Family Literacy Information

Family literacy is an education method that is currently put into practice in countries such as South Africa and the United States. The family literacy as a method of education roots comes from the belief that parents are children's first teacher. Family literacy occurs on the daily lives of parents, children and other family members and focuses on the learning for their future members. Recent studies have showed that parents who have a high level of education are tend to be productive individuals with economic and social capacity in their society. Usually their children are known to be successful in school. Literacy is a term known as the ability of a person to write, read and think. The main key of literacy is Reading development. Please note for registration signups we now have switched over to a new processor for secure payments. Click here to update your payment information.

Family literacy provides satisfactory changes in a family such as: having more favorable family relationships, becoming a full integrated family, improves children and parents literary skills, etc. Family literacy is based in integrating Childhood education, Adult learning, Parent education and Child and parent interactive activities to the daily life of a family.

Childhood education was designed to promote the development and growth of children by engaging their parents in the child's education career. Parent education instructs parents on how their children develop, learn and grow. It provides parents the opportunity to develop mutual support systems and connects them with resources from the community. Adult education extends the basic academic level, which provides ability to set and achieved goals, be creative and think critically, improve personal skills, etc. Child and parent activities are focused on providing them the opportunity to interact, enrich their relationship, share their new literacy experiences and enable them to become great partners in education.

Parent education programs is used to improve and correct an individual's parent skills. Parent education courses are for teenagers, toddlers, children or infants. These programs are also very useful for people who are considering to have a child, pregnant or will like to adopt a child. Two very effective programs are the following: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting and Parent Effectiveness Training. Childhood education assists on involving parents in their children learning environment. It mainly focuses on a child learning way through play. An example of this education is to read and share stories or books between the child and the parent.

Continuing studies is a term, which encompasses the post secondary programs or activities of learning. Some of the recognized forms of these programs or activities are the following: Non degree career training, degree credit courses, workforce train, personal enrichment courses like online or on campus, self directed train through Internet groups or clubs. This term is mainly used in Canada and the United States. Continuing studies is intended for adult learners. Here, at you will be provided with information on this and other forms of family literacy.