Parent Education Classes
Planning a literacy program at home for children is a task that needs some serious planning, research and study. Remember that parents are responsible for their children education and things that children learn at an early age are usually very hard to forget. That is why it is very important for kids to learn things correctly. Parents who want to get involved in their children education can start a literacy program at home with parent education classes. This practice is very common among parents who move to different countries, especially South Africa, and don’t want to get their children into the school system.Before starting with the plan for a literacy program, parents should consult with people who have more experience in order to get some useful advice and see some literacy programs types. Online, parents can find networks of people offering parent education classes who will be more than eager to help. For example, parents can go with H. S. Bhola’s literacy system. Bhola is an education professor at Indiana University who proposed a literacy system based on the fact that the most important part of the early education system is the interaction between the teacher and the learner around the lesson which has to be carefully planned. The second most important element in this system is the social context, followed, in the third place, by a few other factors like evaluation, mobilization, resources and so on.
Parents have to be very careful when they plan the lessons for the literacy program. They should also decide if they are going to go with a development-based literacy program in which they help children develop certain skills or with an empowerment-literacy program, which is for individual training and empowerment. They could also choose a mother-tongue literacy program. Essentially, any literacy program is good and useful as long as it is planed correctly.