Sexual Education

Sexual education involves a curriculum related to human sexuality issues, including anatomy, reproduction, intercourse, health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and others. Even though sex ed is a fundamental part of a developing individual's formation, there isn't as of yet a general consensus as to what should be the main focus. In the Unites States for instance, there are two primary forms of sex ed, comprehensive and abstinence-only. Abstinence only emphasizes restraint from premarital sex, and not much else. In a way, it is a sort of addition by subtraction, probably hoping the people, especially youths, will not delve into something that they do not know a lot about. On the other hand, comprehensive sexual education teaches that abstinence is a sound alternative, but not the only one. In addition, they aim to educate people on contraceptive methods and to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

However, there are other sexual health conditions that are less avoidable, which is all the more reason to instruct people about them. One such condition is erectile dysfunction, that has remained a taboo for some even well into the 21st century. Men who experience the symptoms of this condition need to know that this a perfectly normal occurrence, and that there is nothing wrong with them. Moreover, there are treatments for it now, including oral medication such as generic Viagra drugs. In the case of women, there are also several conditions like female sexual arousal disorder, that keep subjects from achieving enough sexual arousal to complete intercourse. Other diseases common to both sexes include anorgasmia and hypoactive sexual desire disorder. These are topics that should to be tackled a complete sexual education program.